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The Arabian horse

Arabian horses, renowned for their striking appearance and unparalleled stamina, have captivated horse enthusiasts for centuries. The Arabian horse is one of the oldest and purest horse breeds and originates from the Nejd in desert Arabia. From it’s cradle in the Nejd the Arabian horse migrated with the Bedouin tribes like the Anazeh and Shammar to the northern deserts in Syria and to the Eufrates in present day Iraq.

This exceptional horse played a vital role in the expansion of the Muslim faith in the Middle-East, Northern-Africa and Spain. A fearless war horse, the Arabian horse was also a valuable partner of peace. The severe climate required the Bedouins to share food and water, and sometimes even their tents with their horses. As a result, Arabians developed a close affinity to man and a high intelligence like no other breed.

Over the centuries, the Bedouin tribes zealously maintained the purity of the breed. Because of their limited resources, breeding practices were extremely selective. Such practices, which eventually helped the Arabian become a prized possession throughout the world, have led to the beautiful athletic breed we know today, which is marked by a distinctive dished profile; large, lustrous, wide-set eyes on a broad forehead; small, curved ears; and large, efficient nostrils.


Their distinctive features—arched necks, refined heads, and high tail carriage—set them apart, while their intelligence and spirited nature make them exceptional companions for both everyday riders and competitive equestrians alike.

The Arabian horse is a light horse, close to humans, friendly, very smart, sensible, and jovial, loving to play, challenge and learn. It is the most resistant horse, being the best endurance horse in the world.

They are fast, with the Arabian horse being the founder of the English thoroughbred. They are full of life, needing regular exercise to feel fine, and versatile. Thanks to their heart and body, the Arabian horse is ready for anything: they are the Ferrari of the equine species.

It might come as a surprise but the Arabian horse exists in different types like the Abbayan, Dahman, Hadban, Kuhaylan & Saqlawi, which are sub-categorized by their marbat, basically the breeder of that sub-type.

Today the pure bred Arabian horse is registered as a thoroughbred breed in various studbooks under the coordination of the World Arabian Horse Organization (WAHO).

Although the Arabian horse has been bred pure since their registration in studbooks, unfortunately some early horses are known not to trace entirely to desert bred Arabians. Within the WAHO studbooks there are however still Arabian horses remaining that are tracing in all lines to desert Arabia. They are called “Asil Arabians” and their records are being kept by organizations like Al-Khamsa in the USA or the Asil Club in Europe. The largest remaining breeding group of asil Arabians are the straight Egyptians.

The traits that were bred into the Arabian through ancient times created a versatile horse that is not only beautiful but also excels at many activities. Considered the best breed for distances, the Arabian’s superior endurance and stamina enable him to consistently win competitive trail and endurance rides. The Arabian is not just a pretty horse for shows. He is an all-around family horse, show horse, competitive sport horse and work horse that can excels in dressage, endurance, eventing, jumping, racing and western.

Since it’s introduction in Europe and America, the Arabian horse has become popular to improve other breeds with their fabulous temperament, exceptional athleticism, power and endurance to create larger sport horse that are of larger size that the purebred Arabian horse itself.

Horse breeds that have a large percentage of Arabian blood are for instance the Anglo-Arabian in France and UK, the Gidran and Shagya-Arabian in Hungary, the Trakehner in Germany, the Tres Sangres in Spain, the Purosangue Orientale in Italy, the Orlov in Russia, the Morab and Quarab in the USA, and of course the English thoroughbred. Many warmblood horse breeds like the Dutch Warmblood, Hanoverian or Selle Français have used Arabian blood or Arabian crosses to improve their stock.

The loyal, willing nature of the Arabian breed suits itself as the perfect family horse and a fabulous sportshorse. His affectionate personality also makes him a great horse for children.

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